Tuesday, March 2, 2010

If the symptoms of heart attacks happen to you

If the symptoms of heart attacks happen to you

Recognize any of these symptoms occur whether chest pain, shortness of breath, or heart palpitations.

Immediately stop all work no matter what you are doing and sit or lie down while you breathe deeply.

If you are alone while the symptoms lasted more than a few minutes immediately contact the local emergency phone number and say you have a heart attack. Or contact the people around you to give the same information.

If anyone can take you to the hospital faster than the arrival of paramedics, immediately asked for assistance to go take you to the emergency room at the hospital. Faster would be better handled.

But if you wait for paramedics to come, so while waiting, you can loosen tight clothing, including belts or ties. Create yourself in a position that feels comfortable.

Remain calm, no matter you are the victim or benefactor. Panic can increase the likelihood of arrhythmia or heart rhythm irregularities that threaten life
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